Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 264: Heading to Miss LeeLee's

Baby girl just loves spending time at Miss LeeLee's house when Mommy & Daddy go to work. This morning she was waiting in the car with Daddy till Mommy got in. She was hamming it up. The second pic is one Miss LeeLee took. She was having such a fun & exhausting day she passed out on the kitchen floor! I also have a video that she took of her sweeping the floors. Miss K loves to help clean :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 253: Pretty girl

Kennedy was in her high chair having a snack and I couldn't help but take advantage of those beautiful eyes and the sunlight hitting her face :)  She is such a pretty girl! 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 252: Daddy's Tough Mudder headband

Daddy participated in the Tough Mudder yesterday.  And because he survived he was given a Tough Mudder headband!  Kennedy kept putting it on her head and taking it off.  She thought she was pretty darn cool :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Day 251: Being Chased

Kennedy loves being chased! She is perfecting her "running" and loves when we chase after her.  She giggles and giggles as we chase after her throughout the house.  I caught these shots as I was chasing her.  She just makes me smile :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Day 235: Sidewalk Chalk with Noah & Syd

It was a beautiful evening outside and the kids went outside to draw on the driveway.  Kennedy had a good time eating chalk, picking flowers, running through the yard and playing on the playground.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Day 223: Having a Pea Snack :)

Kennedy loves her veggies :)  Peas, corn, and broccoli are her favorite! So, when in doubt, have peas for a snack. And, look cute eating them!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 218: Watching Daddy mow

Kennedy stood by the front door and watched Daddy mow the yard for about 15 mins. She couldn't get enough of him :)  He'd come over and wave and she'd get the biggest kick out of him.  I took this opportunity to also take a picture of all three kids. It was such a beautiful day.  Noah needed a haircut desperately, but its still adorable :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 214: Fishy Face

So, today's fun...I taught Kennedy how to make a fishy face.  Yep...she's cute :) I know!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 211: Loving books

Kennedy just LOVES books. It's to the point it is an obsession! She is only happy when she is sitting and reading, flipping pages, looking at the pictures, and looking under flaps.  Her favorites are the ones she interacts with (noises, flaps, slides, etc.).  She usually chooses the books that Aunt Heather and Uncle Matt got Noah years ago.  I can't complain because I love to read too.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 210: Fun at a Friend's House

We went to visit our friend, Tiffany tonight at her house.  The kids had a blast playing and Kennedy enjoyed the swing and meeting a big ol' lizard! :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 209: Swimming in the Dog Dish

Miss K can't keep her fingers out of the dog dish! She loves to play in the water and make a big mess.  Nicole tried to put the goggles on her head as she played but she would have nothing to do with it!  But we got a good laugh out of it! :)  

Friday, July 27, 2012

Day 208: Good Eater

Kennedy continues to be our good little eater. She eats pretty much anything but prefers REAL food :)  Tonight she had fish, corn, and brown rice.  YUMMY :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Day 207: In the Garbage Can

While switching laundry, someone decided to get into the trash can and play with the garbage...was it Elliott?  No........was it a raccoon?  No..... Yep, you guessed it. Miss K!  She decided to help herself to the trash.  She took out the sweet tea jug and was carrying it around trying to drink out of it.  Oh this kid....

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 206: Goodnight Moon

This was Noah's favorite book and I busted Kennedy reading it in the kitchen tonight.  She was looking for the mouse :)  They are so much alike sometimes.  The love for books as really sparked lately....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Day 205: More Puppy Kisses...

Kennedy was attacked tonight but the cutest little Pug ever...Pedro kept trying to drink her bottle and then he'd give her kisses.  She was just loving every moment of it!  There really is nothing cuter on this planet than babies and puppies :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day 204: Riding her bike

Kennedy's Uncle Mikey and Aunt Ashley and Adrian got her a battery operated bike for her birthday.  She has been riding it everywhere! I finally got a video of her outside having a good time.  For some reason she refuses to keep her feet up, but she has her own way of doing things these days :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 203: Visiting and Fun

Today was a fun day with friends.  We headed to the river and to a deer farm.  The kids had such a great time with their friends and Kennedy was fascinated by everything we did.

 Yep! She's dancing with the girls! :)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 202: Trip to PA

We took a trip up north to visit with our college friends.  It was a long drive, as it seemed we needed to stop more than we did on the way to Myrtle Beach.   It was more Daddy's excuses to stop than the kids! He needed this and that, run an errand here and there, but when we finally made it, Kennedy made herself right at home.  She really seemed to remember them since the last visit and was very comfortable.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 201: Puddle Fun

As  we were waiting on a friend to stop by, Kennedy joined me in the garage to watch the rain fall.  She loves getting into things out there, but today she saw the rain falling down.  So, off she went into the puddles. She kept pointing to the raindrops and was fascinated.  She learned how to splash her feet in the water!  It was so fun watching her :)