Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 65: 8 months old today.

Miss K turned 8 months old today.  She's a babbling, saying Mom-mom, Dada, and Hi.  She is clapping, waving, giving kisses, and giving high 5's.  She loves her walker and gets around everywhere at home and at her sitters. Miss K loves more off-Standish with women.  She is a Daddy's girl and loves her brother and sister.  She is nursing and hates formula, but is learning to use her sippy cup.  She eats whatever we are eating with some baby food.  Some days she wants it and others she doesn't.  Tonight she had fried rice from the Japanese restaurant and loved it! She isn't crawling yet, but will climb all over the furniture and bed.  Miss K is high energy and flaps like crazy when she is excited.  I can't believe she has grown so fast. It feels just like yesterday!

Above are pictures of her big brother reading her a few books tonight with her . It was a very proud moment for me. And then the other is a pic of her and her little man, Sawyer.  He turned 5 months today and she turned 8 months.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet!! They are going to have so much fun playing together as they grow up :)
