Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 91: Noahs Tutter

Back when Noah was a baby, he watched the show Bear and the Big Blue House. There was a character named Tutter and he was Noah's favorite. We found Tutter at the Disney store and brought him home. After going through stuff in the basement, we relocated Tutter and gave him to Kennedy. She loves his tail and rubs on it and chews it. Maybe Tutter will be loved again :)

Day 90: Aunt Deanna and crawling

Today, my sister-in-law, Deanna, came down to play with Kennedy for the day. Kennedy had a great day at home with her aunt. They played, napped, and enjoyed the day...just the two of them.

Then that evening, Noah made a tunnel and put Kennedy in it. She crawled out! She has been working in it and would move like one crawl and sit but tonight she crawled a measurable distance! I have it on video and will have to post that when I get on the computer. Noah saw her crawl out first and I couldn't believe it! So I made him to it again so I could record it! :)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 89: Loving the Washcloth

We keep thinking Miss K is teething and she keeps fooling us, but I think on top of this terrible cold she is teething her top teeth. But she could be faking us out again! Tomorrow Aunt Deanna is coming to spend the day with Miss K. She's going to love it! Here she is as an Instagram!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 88: My bunny

A parent of one of my students made Kennedy this adorable bunny!  It is adorable and will be a keep-sake item!  I'm not sure who likes it more...Kennedy or Sydney. :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 87: New Stuff

Today Kennedy got to spend the day with her Grandma Shaffer since she still wasn't feeling well. Mommy wanted so badly to be home but I have No days to take :( However, with Grandma coming, Kennedy got this cute outfit and some toys from Aunt Heather and Uncle Matt. She had a blast visiting with Grandma and with her new stuff! Plus, she got another day to rest at home. There is no place like home especially when you are sick! So Miss K is on the mend!

Day 86: Home with Daddy

We thought Kennedy was doing better, but she had another turn for the worse Sunday night. I can't believe the mucus! We feel terrible for her. Daddy decided he was staying home with Kennedy since I am out of sick days. So at 6 am he took her downstairs so I could get one more hour of sleep. When I got downstairs, this is what I saw. It was beautiful to me.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 85: Feeling better

Pretty girl is feeling much better today! We only got up 4 times last night and she slept in her own crib!  I got a lot more sleep and so did she.  She even napped today and the fever has been gone since last night.  We are over the worst of it I believe.  She has been smiling all morning and playing with her toys.  She is back to our happy baby!  :) She was sitting on the floor playing with her ball.  She will throw it and then go after it.  Some of the faces she makes just makes us laugh!!

Day 84: Sick baby

Kennedy came down with a chest cold and an ear infection.  Daddy took her to Urgent Care this morning because she was up every hour Friday night.  It was terrible.  She was hurting and running a fever of 102.5.  I felt awful for her.  She is back on her nebulizer, steroid, and antibiotic.   She is miserable and will only sleep on me.  We always know when she is sick when she wants to be held.  I was fine with it because listening to her rapidly breath was scary!

Day 83: My big sister

Friday was a beautiful day.  It hit 84 degrees and the sun was shining.  It felt like a summer day!  We spent much of the evening after school playing outside and Kennedy got to explore the grass and spend time swinging and taking a walk in the stroller.  Kennedy was fussing so her big sister came to the rescue! It was a perfect picture opportunity.

Day 82: Mmm....lollipop :)

Pictures are being taken, but now that she is doing so much more than just sitting there and smiling, the videos are so much more fun to take!  Tonight at dance, Kennedy was getting fussy, so I gave her a Dum-Dum lollipop.  She wanted to hold it all by herself! She was LOVING it!  I grabbed my phone as quick as I could to capture her saying, nummmmmnummmmmm!  I missed her noises, but the video is still adorable :)

Day 81: Dog Dog

Kennedy has been getting better and better at crawling. It will be any day now that she will be everywhere and into everything.  She is also saying  "Dog-dog".  We caught it on video today.  She is growing up so much! She is now saying, Momma, Dada, Bye-bye, Hi, Ut-oh, and Dog Dog.

Day 80: Bath time

March 20:  She has been running a low-grade fever for a couple days on and off with no other symptoms. The only thing that makes her feel better is a warm bath.  The smile on her face when she gets her feet and body in the water is priceless.   I just love snapping pictures of her in the bathtub!

Day 79: And...She is moving!

At Sydney's dance class tonight, Kennedy has gotten better at her crawling.  She has been working on moving from sitting to her belly and then pushing to move, so I was glad to get it on video.  She is so determined!

Day 78: Last Day at Mimi and Pappys

We had a super weekend with the family.  The kids had a blast, I was relaxed, and Kennedy got to visit with all her family.  The kids had a craft night Saturday night and Kennedy was everywhere in the basement in her walker. Before we left, we had Kennedy and Adrian dress alike.  Mike and Ashley got them matching shirts.  They were adorable!!   These pictures are priceless!

Day 77: Mimi and Pappy's House

What a great weekend! It was beautiful outside and the kids enjoyed playing around Mimi and Pappy's yard.  They also got to go visit Uncle Andy and Aunt Deanna for the day while we looked at houses in Altoona.  They were everywhere enjoying the country air :)  Uncle Mike, Aunt Ashley and Adrian brought the wagon over and the girls got to go for a wagon ride!  I love how they are growing up together :)  They planned a cookout Saturday night with cheeseburgers, hotdogs, and milkshakes!  It was such a great weekend!

Day 76: HUGS!

Miss K and her cousin Adrian got to see each other tonight. With Daddy away for the weekend, the kids and I went up to Pennsylvania to visit my family for the weekend.  It was going to be a nice weekend for the visit.  As soon as Kennedy and Adrian saw each other the attack began!  Its fun to watch their relationship form. They are starting to remember one another.

Day 75: First Circus!

Tonight we were given some tickets to the Circus.  This was the first time Noah and Sydney have been there as well. So, it was a first for all the kids.  We went into DC to the Verizon Center and enjoyed the circus.  You loved it! You didn't cry once through the whole thing and even took a short nap!  She got her arms flapping when she'd see the elephants and clowns! And of course, she loved the pizza :)  We had a blast!

Day 74: Jumping Queen

Daddy snapped this shot of Kennedy. She was jumping around and as soon as he came over she stopped and gave him the look...the I love you Daddy look.  She just adores him!

Day 73: Beautiful Day

Today was a beautiful day! I think we can say that spring has sprung!  We took a walk and while the kids played outside, Kennedy got to swing a little longer since the weather was so nice.  I caught this one on my cell phone and it just shows the pure bliss that she is feeling as she swings.  It makes me think of swinging high as a kid and your belly feels the butterflies.  What a great feeling!

Day 72: Swinging

Miss K just loves to swing.  She loved her baby swing and she grew out of it in just enough time to move to the big girl swing outside :)  This swing was given to us as a gift from our neighbors Steve & Debby when Noah was little.  It has gone through 3 kids and each of them loved swinging outside.  I love to hear Kennedy's laugh as she moves to and fro.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 71: Great Grandma

Today, family came down to visit us.  We usually go up to PA to visit with family, so it's nice when they come to us.  :) We enjoyed a yummy breakfast at Bob Evans and then they came back to visit.  Kennedy enjoyed some pancakes, toast from Aunt Angie, green beans from Ashley, and eggs from Mommy.  She had a tasty meal :) She loved throwing all her toys on the floor for the waiters to pick up as well.  I took some pictures of Kennedy and her Great-Grandma.  I couldn't help myself! They are pictures that we will all treasure.

Day 70: Sassy Pants and Nicole

Look out! Here she comes! Today she is moving even more than before! She's all over the couch and pulling up on the sides.  She grabs onto us and pulls herself up and lunges over us!  It won't be long! The second picture is Kennedy and Nicole.  She just LOVES Nicole and when she comes over Kennedy is all over her and screams for her to play!  We all love having her around :)

Day 69: The kids and I

I needed a picture of us and it was also a major reality check. I have avoided the camera and now I know why. So, whether I like it or not here is a pic of me and the kids.

Day 68: Daddy's Monkey

Daddy posted this picture of Miss K on Facebook and it fit her perfectly! She has really been climbing all over the couch, pulling herself up and trying to move around.  She wants so badly to move and we are really seeing a change in her.  Kennedy has such a determination to start crawling or walking.  She is working on both!  Look out world!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 67: Beautiful day

So today the themometer was reading 69 degrees! When we got home, we all headed outside to grill, ride bikes, and go for a walk. Kennedy had a ball in the stroller and also swinging in her swing. She was laughing so hard with the belly laughs in the swing! I can't wait for more beautiful days like today! God is good!

Day 66: Grumpy Girl

Kennedy was so tired and I almost forgot to get her picture!! We were heading to her room when I remembered and grabbed the phone! She was so tired and grumpy! But look at that face! :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 65: 8 months old today.

Miss K turned 8 months old today.  She's a babbling, saying Mom-mom, Dada, and Hi.  She is clapping, waving, giving kisses, and giving high 5's.  She loves her walker and gets around everywhere at home and at her sitters. Miss K loves more off-Standish with women.  She is a Daddy's girl and loves her brother and sister.  She is nursing and hates formula, but is learning to use her sippy cup.  She eats whatever we are eating with some baby food.  Some days she wants it and others she doesn't.  Tonight she had fried rice from the Japanese restaurant and loved it! She isn't crawling yet, but will climb all over the furniture and bed.  Miss K is high energy and flaps like crazy when she is excited.  I can't believe she has grown so fast. It feels just like yesterday!

Above are pictures of her big brother reading her a few books tonight with her . It was a very proud moment for me. And then the other is a pic of her and her little man, Sawyer.  He turned 5 months today and she turned 8 months.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 64: Big Girl.

Kennedy has been working on the sip-pee cup now with us at home and with her sitter, Miss LeeAnn, but using it isn't always so fun since we couldn't find a juice that she really that was at least 100% juice and not sweet tea or soda or flavored fruit drinks.  But tonight....the kids were having a cup of low acid Orange Juice and I put some in her sip-pee cup (mostly water but some juice) and she LOVED it!! She couldn't get enough! She even had to do it all by herself. I still can't believe she is going to be 8 months old tomorrow.  Where has time gone? I also had to add a picture I took today of Sydney spinning Kennedy around the living room. She was laughing so hard and I feel that I captured that moment of sisterhood perfectly :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 63: She's cool like that...

Today was sunny...Miss K needed her sunglasses :)  She's such a cute fart.  But watch out cuz the middle finger is up ;)  Today she enjoyed her first meal at Texas Roadhouse (a family favorite). She had ribs, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green beans, and roll.  Then she had her first cone at the Meadows! They had mini cones for babies!! :) She loved it!  She helped do laundry too :)

Day 62: Jump Jump

Shes a jumper and a mover! Kennedy does not like sitting still. She wants in everything, touch everything, eat everything and be everywhere!  But jumping is still one of her favorite things to do! We had to move the jumper into a higher position because she's SO tall!!  But she jumps away and makes her squealing noises as she jumps! The girl has the most fun all by herself...she's a lot like her mom ;)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 61: What is this?

Kennedy is everywhere in her walker both at home and at Miss LeeLee's house.  She has discovered the dog's spot where his toys, food, and water is.  She walks over, bends down over the walker and tries to get the dog food.  Then, Elliott proceeds to "talk" to her about how he wants her away from his food.  It is quite comical!  She wants down there and wants to get her hands on his food.  That will be where she goes first when she learns to crawl! Just like her brother!