Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 151: Helping with Laundry

Kennedy has been helping me do laundry since she has learned to pull herself up to on the furniture. She loves to take the laundry out of the dryer and rub it on her face like her blanky. I think she has my trait where I just love fabric softener! As long as I don't see her on the Strange Addictions show for drinking fabric softener or something weird!! :)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 150: Kennedy meets a box turtle

Noah found a box turtle hanging out by our hose in the backyard today. So, as Kennedy loves animals just like her big brother, Noah introduced her to the turtle. Kennedy kept saying "Durdle Durdle!" I think it just made Noah's day to see Kennedy enjoy it as much as he does!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 149: iPhone Addict

Look at my tooth coming in!

Miss K is an iPhone addict!! Every time I try to text someone, call someone, or check Facebook, she takes my phone right out of my hands and searches the screen for her games.  Not even 11 months and already knows what she wants and goes for it! We are in for it!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 148: Memorial Day

Kennedy had her first freezer pop today! I swear kids are born with a natural ability to eat a freezer pop! She sucked it up and loved the ice on her swollen gums! Tooth number 5 is coming in and this made her feel so much better and it was perfect for a hot day!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 147: Swimming and Family

We celebrated Sydney's 6th birthday with our family over Memorial Day weekend.  Family from NJ came in that weekend and we figured it would be perfect.  The kids had a blast swimming in Mimi, Pappy, and Grand-Pappy's pool.  Kennedy had her first swimming experience.  She wasn't sure she liked it at first, but just LOVED it after she realized it wasn't the tub! She spent lots of time with her cousin, Adrian and we treasured every moment!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 146: Wrinkle nose

Kennedy does the silliest things with her face and nose when she smiles, laughs, snorts, and makes noises. I actually caught the face on our way to the soccer fields. The picture does not even come close to how cute she is in person, but its still the face :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 145: Summer Vacation begins!

The kids have been done with school since the 22nd and Daddy and I had our last day today!  So our summer vacation has begun and much earlier than usual thanks to the no snow days this year.  We kicked it off by playing outside, swinging, and picking strawberries out of the garden.  Kennedy just loves her swing! (It's also a good way to keep her in one place) :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 144: Baby Einstein

On the way home from dinner at Panero, Kennedy got to watch "her" show and not her brother and sister's shows. When Noah was a baby, we purchased Disney's Baby Einstein videos and Kennedy really seems to enjoy them. Noah always loved them but Sydney never watched TV till she was 4. She is so much like her big brother :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 143: Yummy...more delicious food!

With Kennedy always wanting everything we eat, she is discovering so many new foods!! Tonight at the Hibachi buffet, she tried all kinds of foods but really liked the watermelon! Some crazy lady came over and tried to eat her watermelon!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 142: Yum....Milkshakes And 4 teeth!!

Tonight Kennedy discovered chocolate milkshakes!! Sydney wanted to stop at McDonald's for milkshakes after school since it was the last day of school, so we did. And boy did Miss K LOVE the milkshake! She said, "Num num num num!" and smacked those lips!
And on another note, Kennedy now has 4 teeth!! This is the only way I can get her to show those top teeth!! I tickle her and SNAP! :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 141: Reading with my Sister

Now that Sydney is reading so much better, she loves to get Kennedy up in the glider and read to her. I caught her tonight and got a picture. Kennedy just loves books and enjoys this time with Sydney. These kind of memories just melt my heart!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 140: Outside Fun

Miss Kennedy loves being outside in the grass.  She loves to pick the flowers and get into anything and everything!  She is learning to climb her little slide that Miss Amy gave us.  It won't be long till she is going up and down all by herself!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 138: Eating Strawberries

Tonight was Sydney's sleepover for her birthday.  We had five 5/6 year old girls at the house, running through the yard, playing in the basement, eating homemade ice cream, decorating cupcakes, and giggling all through the house.  While outside, I picked strawberries and Kennedy was helping.  But she ate all the ones she found! She even had a seed stuck in her little tooth :)  

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 137: Sydney's Birthday

Big Sister Syd celebrated her 6th birthday today. She woke up excited and fell asleep excited! Kennedy of course had no idea what all the excitement was about but she sure felt it.....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 136: Sassy Pants

Miss K has learned the word "stop" and she likes to use it. Here she is yelling at me and saying "dop!" because I want her picture. If the kids get in her face she yells at them. It's quite humorous...well at this age!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 135: Syd's Hair Salon

Sydney strikes again! She opened her hair salon out on the deck and we got our hair done. After doing my hair so beautifully, she did Kennedy's hair. She was a little hesitant at first but Kennedy let her do it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 134: Tongues....

So Miss K has found her tongue recently and finds it quite fascinating! Out and in, out and in, out and in just like a dog lapping up water.  She wants you to catch her tongue, kiss with her tongue, and us to kiss her tongue. Just weird, but absolutely adorable :)  If you get the heeby jeebies with kiss from a dog, then do not look :P

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 133: Mother's Day

We headed up to PA to visit with my mother and Shane's mom for the day.  We had beautiful weather up there until we headed out that evening.  We spend the entire afternoon outside with our families.  I couldn't have asked for a better Mother's Day.  Miss K loves to pick flowers and smell them.  I got some great pictures of our gorgeous baby girl :)  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 132: Brushing her teeth

Now that Kennedy has 3 and a 4th tooth coming, she is brushing her teeth morning and night.  10 months old and brushing her teeth by herself!  You go girl!! :)  

Our ol' college friends came to visit this weekend.  It was a wonderful visit! Kennedy just loved them! :)  

Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 131: Kennedy meets Toad

Today was beautiful!  We were all outside picking strawberries and the kids found a toad (This is very typical for our family).  Kennedy was sitting in the grass and Toad jumped around.  At first she didn't know what to think and jumped every time Toad jumped, but after a few minutes, she started trying to touch it.  It was so funny because she kept trying to figure out what sound the Toad made.  I heard the moooo, she snorted, and she made a horse sound with her lips.  It was so funny!! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 130: Sink Bath

Miss K is starting to get too big for the sink bath.  When this happens I will cry...I love to put her in the sink and she loves playing in the sink.  It is such a nice way to get her bath in and she takes the cutest pictures :)  Those eyelashes!!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 129: Late Nighter...

Kennedy is turning into her big sister....she likes to stay up late with us and go to bed around 10:00.  This has been working out great because she is sleeping through the night!! So, do I mind? Absolutely not!  This is the one time we have with just her, so it is nice. :)  This once the only shot I could get of her before she took off!!